Monday, June 3, 2013

Opening Day May 14, 2013

Today I found a place to cut the logs for the garage. My assistant, Rocky. and I (lower right in photo) marked 59 trees. I used orange spray paint to mark which ones to cut, and the size of the base. Rocky marked a few smaller ones. I spent the rest of the week helping the rancher who owns the property where these trees are located as payment for the logs. I also spent time helping my cousin, who is letting me use his D3 Cat to skid the logs out, and his Mini Excavator to repair the wiring to my garage, and whatever else I find a use for it. Due to a death in the family, I spent the next two weeks in Minnesota,

1 comment:

  1. Marking trees is the perfect job for Rocky... He has been training for 12 years for that task.
