Thursday, July 15, 2010

Log work completed, July 15, 2010

Today we finished all the log work on the house. We will begin installing the roof on Monday. I ordered all the material today to be delivered early Monday morning. I also talked to the stove people to see what we needed for roof attachments for the wood stove. They will be out as soon as we get the rafters installed to take measurements and tell us what we need for installing the pipes to code.

Below, you can see the last support logs installed on the main floor. The log by the family room is a very heavy log. We chose it to match the size of the log above it in the loft.

Tomorrow, I will finish installing the last loft floor board, which needs to be scribed in and cut. I will then begin staining logs. I have a guy, Tony, who stained the logs last year coming on Saturday. He does an amazing job with stain and caulking. We also chose the siding to be installed on both gable ends, the dormers and the basement outside wall.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First Deck log completed, July 14, 2010

Today we flattened the top two side logs and installed the first of two deck logs that will be scribed in and set on top of the tall deck poles. These two deck logs will support the roof over the deck on the sides of the house. They will have a 5 - 12 pitch, the roof is a 9 - 12 pitch.
Tomorrow we will install the deck log on the other side of the house and install the last two vertical support logs on the main floor. I have to install two more 6 X 6's in the basement as soon as the roof is on the house. These finish the support for the purlins right down to the basement floor. We poured an extra pad of cement under the basement floor to support these better. After tomorrow, I will be ready to install the roof and shingles, and frame in the dormers and end gables.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roof System Installation, July 11, 2010

Today, we installed the roof system. I rented a crane from the company my cousin Ron works for. Ron ran the crane for us. It took about 4 hours to set the posts and install the ridgepole and purlins. The next job is to cut flats on the walls to accept the rafters (TGIs). Then we will install the 1 X 4 boards on the ridgepole, purlins and top, side, wall logs. These will be spacers to install the inside tongue and groove roof boards after we insulate and install the electrical wiring. After the roof TGIs are installed and the roof is decked over with plywood or OSB, we will install the logs over the deck poles and tie the deck roof into the main roof on both sides of the house. Then we will install the felt and shingles.